Group photo of Alamo Scouts following an awards ceremony on Leyte, New Years Day, Jan 1945. Back row L-R: Harold Hard, Vernon Miller, Gil Cox, Francis LaQuier, Galen Kittleson, Robert Sumner, Andy Smith, Sabas Asis, Wilbert Wismer. Middle row: John Geiger, Bill Nellist, Tom Rounsaville, Paul Jones, Mayo Stuntz (supply officer), John Dove, Harry Weiland, William Blaise.
Front row: Thomas Siason, Edward Renhols, David Mackie (supply sergeant), Alfred Alfonso, Lawrence Coleman, Franklin Fox.
(Signal Corps)
VICKERY TEAM in Northern Luzon during their last mission. Aug 1945
(Standing, L-R) S/Sgt. Harry Weiland, Sgt. Bill Blaise, Sgt. Paul Jones, Lt. Chester B. Vickery.
(Kneeling L-R) Tony (Filipino radio operator), Sgt. Edward Renhols.
SUMNER TEAM. Hollandia, D.N.G. Aug 1944. |
SUMNER TEAM displays a Japanese flag. Hollandia, D.N.G. Aug 1944.
William F. Blaise (L) and Bob Ross. |
Robert S. Sumner standing outside Special Intelligence, Sixth Army, Luzon, 1945.
(Sumner photo)
Alamo Scout team leaders following an awards ceremony on Leyte, P.I., Dec 1944. L-R: William Nellist, Tom Rounsaville, Robert Sumner, John Dove.
(Signal Corps)

Lawrence E. Coleman.
(Coleman family photo)
Paul B. Jones. |
USS Crescent City APA-21, The ship that the Sumner Team used to travel from New Guinea to Leyte. The enlisted men on the team had bakery duty and kept Bob Sumner well fed. |