Ranger CPT Bob Prince (left) speaks with COL Horton V. White, G-2, Sixth Army.
(Army Photo)
Ranger CPT James Fisher, M.D. (left) with CPT Bob Prince a few hours before the raid on Cabanatuan. Fisher died of wounds on the way back to Allied lines. Jan 30, 1945.
(Army Photo)
“Doctor Captain James C. Fisher Memorial Park.” Photo of the area on the outskirts of Barrio Balangkare where Fisher and CPL Roy Sweezy were originally buried. Feb 1945.
(Photo courtesy of Juan Pajota)
Captain James Fisher Memorial in the center of Barrio Balangkara. Photo courtesy of Forrest B. Johnson, author of Raid on Cabanatuan.
LTC Henry A. Mucci, Commander, 6th Ranger Battalion. 1944.
(Army Photo Photo)
LTC Mucci. |
Rangers following the raid on Cabanatuan.
(Army Photo Photo)
Major Robert Lapham, American guerilla leader on Luzon, 1945. |
Rangers on the way to Cabanatuan. Jan 30, 1945.
(Army Photo Photo)
CPT Robert Prince, 6th Rangers. |
Rangers TSGT/5 Francis Schilli (left), CPL Roy Sweezy, and unidentified
man a few weeks before the raid. Sweezy died on the raid on Cabanatuan.
(Forrest Johnson photo)
Ranger Captain James Fisher holding an infant. Jan 1945.
(Forrest Johnson photo)
CPT Richard Canfield, M.D., first medical officer at the ASTC.
Fergusson Island, N.G. 1944
(U.S. Army Photo)
LTC Sylvester Smith, of Sixth Army G-2 (left) and LTC Frederick Bradshaw (right) at the boat dock of the ASTC on Fergusson Island, N.G. Jan 1944.
(U.S. Army Photo)
6th Ranger-Alamo Scout Memorial located outside of the Ranger Hall of Fame Building at Fort Benning, Georgia. The memorial honors the 121 Rangers and 14 Alamo Scouts who liberated 512 Allied POWs from Cabanatuan POW Camp #1 on 30 January 1945.
(Photo by John Cook)
USS Halfmoon: McGowen Team returned to this ship to brief Sixth Army Intelligence following their reconnaissance of Los Negros Island, 28 Feb 1944.
(U.S. Navy Photo)
The Sea Bat (PT 132). It was aboard this boat that NELLIST Team performed a mission on Mindanao, P.I. On the return trip the team was strafed by Japanese planes resulting in several injuries to the Alamo Scouts and the deaths of two sailors. 1944.
(U.S. Navy Photo)

A likeness of then Lieutenant General Walter Krueger, founder of the Alamo Scouts, as it appeared on the cover of Time Magazine on 29 January 1945, three weeks after the successful invasion of Luzon by the Sixth Army.
(Photo courtesy of Time Magazine)

Elite troops from World War II conduct rubber boat training. NOTE: It is uncertain whether these troops are Alamo Scouts.
(Courtesy of Time Magazine)

Alamo Scout, Ray Wangrud poses for a photo at the ASTC at Subic Bay, Luzon, P.I., 1945. |