PFC Warren Boes blasts away at a mock enemy headquarters on Fergusson Island. Jan 1944.
(Signal Corps photo)
Staff and selected candidates of the 1st Alamo Scouts Training Class. Fegusson Island, N.G., December 1943.
(Mayo Stuntz photo)
James R. Crockett.
(James Crockett photo)
John Dove and Lew Hochstrasser. New Guinea, Summer 1944.
John Dove hands out candy and cigarettes to POWs following the Cabanatuan prison camp liberation. Luzon, P.I., Jan 1945.
(Signal Corps photo)
Alamo Scouts Harold Hard (5th from the left) and Gilbert Cox (far right), along with selected Rangers, meet with President Roosevelt following the Cabanatuan liberation. Mar 1945.
(U.S. Army photo)
Civilians liberated from the Japanese on Fuga Island, board PT-379. July 1945.
(Bill Rankin Photo)
Unidentified Scout secures a Japanese prisoner. Fuga Island. July 1945.
(Bill Rankin Photo)
PT Boat skipper Robert Morton observes transfer of POWs from PT-379. Fuga Island. July 1945.
(Bill Rankin Photo)
Graduation ceremony of the 5th training class at Hollandia, D.N.G. 28 Oct 1944.
(Signal Corps photo)
THOMPSON TEAM aboard a PT boat en route to a mission. New Guinea. 1944.
(Photo courtesy of George Thompson)
1LT John R.C. McGowen, 1945.
(Photo courtesy of Christine McGowen)
Alamo Scout Galen Kittleson (far right) on special assignment with General Douglas MacArthur at Bataan, Luzon, P.I. 1945.
(Stars & Stripes photo)
LITTLEFIELD TEAM graduation photo, Mange Point, Finschaven Area, N.G. June 1944. Back row L-R: Samuel L. Armstrong, Alva C. Branson, Elmer E. Niemela.
Front row L-R: Zeke McConnell, Paul G. Bemish, Allen H. Throgmorton. Wilbur F. Littlefield not pictured.
(Signal Corps photo)

John R.C. McGowen.
(Photo courtesy of McGowen family)
William E. Nellist & wife Jane, 1945. |
Beer Hall. |
Major Homer Red Williams, 2d Director of Training, N.G. 1944.
(Photo courtesy of Mae Williams)
Red Williams, New Guinea. 1944.
(Photo courtesy of Mae Williams)