PVT Pearl Dexter Jones, graduate of the eighth Alamo Scouts Training Class. Aug 1945

Pearl was in the Americal Division (Americans on New Caledonia) when his regimental commander approached him and related that he (the CO) had heard that Pearl was an expert rifleman from Kentucky and that he knew how to navigate by the stars from years of hunting at night. The CO asked Pearl to volunteer for a special unit but related that it was volunteer only. Pearl agreed and was immediately shipped to the Alamo Scouts Training Center.

Photo courtesy of (son) Tony Jones.


PVT Dominick Cicippio, Overhead Personnel/Medic.
Graduate of the 6th Alamo Scouts Training Class.

Photo courtesy of (son) Bob Cicippio.


Jay V. Russell after returning from the Pacific Theater. September 1945.

(Photo courtesy of Jay V. Russell)


Prior to selection to the 7th Alamo Scouts Training Class, 1LT Jay V. Russell (foreground) shows a Japanese identification card to CPT Dick Ferriter. 1LT Neil Croarkin is seated to the far left, while 1LT John Martin (wearing cap) looks on. Near San Jose, Luzon. February 10, 1945.

The day prior to this I was in the Mts on patrol. This photo was taken a few hundred yards from where the troop (less my platoon) annihilated 58 Japs before it moved into this bivouac area.

(Photo courtesy of Jay V. Russell)


Alamo Scout Paul E. Draper (ILETO Team) poses on a Harley Davidson motorcycle prior to joining the Alamo Scouts. New Guinea, 1944.

Photo courtesy of Paul Draper (son) and Deneen Deaton (daughter).

Harvey Hines, Admiralty Islands, March 1944.  Hines later graduated from the ASTC and performed two lengthy missions on Luzon, as a member of OUZTS Team.

Photo courtesy of Wilma Jean Engebretson (sister).

Harvey Hines (right), Admiralty Islands, March 1944.

Photo courtesy of Wilma Jean Engebretson (sister).

PVT Harvey Hines (standing left) outside a cave in the Admiralty Islands, just days after the Allied landing there. March 1944.

Photo courtesy of Wilma Jean Engebretson (sister).


PFC Robert W. Teeples (Barnes Team) with the 32nd Infantry Division prior to being selected to attend the first Alamo Scouts Training Class. Australia, 1943.

(Photo Courtesy of Bob Teeples)

Former Alamo Scout team leader Bill Barnes is carried off the field after a UCLA victory. Barnes served as Head Coach of the UCLA Bruins fron 1958-1966, and is a member of the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame.

(Photo courtesy of UCLA)

Alamo Scouts aboard a PT boat en route to recon Salebaboe Island (Talaud Island Group), September 1944.  Back Row L-R: Bob Ross, 1LT R.F. De Bruine (NEIA Officer), Oliver Roesler, Bob Shullaw, Clifford Gonyea, Lt. jg, David Dewindt (Navy 7th Amphibious Force). Front Row L-R: Bob Schermerhorn, Zeke McConnell, John McGowen, Finn (Dutch Officer), Native Boy, William Lutz.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)


Several Alamo Scouts relax at camp. 1944.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)


A native boy and Dutch officer 1LT R.F. De Bruine (NEIA).  New Guinea, September 1944.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)


SSG Oliver Roesler playing volleyball at the ASTC, Finschaven, D.N.G., 1944.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)


SSG Oliver Roesler, 1944.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)

Subic Bay, Luzon, P.I. 1945.  Site of the last ASTC.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)

ASTC, Subic Bay, 1945.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)

Two unidentified Scouts.  1944.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)


MAJ Homer (Red) Williams, 2nd Director of Training, at the ASTC. Finschaven, D.N.G., 1944.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)

Bob Shullaw (left) and two unidentified Scouts cool off in Subic Bay.  Summer 1945.

(Photo courtesy of the Shullaw Family)
