Eunice Carvajal’s house in Paracale in the Camarines Norte area. The house was connected to a hospital (see photo 442), where the family was on 24-hour call and forced to care for Japanese sick and wounded in exchange for NOT being sent to the infamous prison at Santo Tomas in Manila. 1945.
(Courtesy of Eunice Carvajal)

Carvajal residence.
(Carvajal photo)

Marsman Hospital, situated next to Carvajal residence. The hospital was connected to the Carvajal house by a small bridge. 1945.
(Carvajal photo)

Major Robert J. Borg aboard Klingsor, his mount during the 1948 Olympic Games. Borg (then a 2LT) is a graduate of the ASTC and later competed in the 1948, 1952, and 1956 Olympic Games, and in the 1955 Pan Am Games in Equestrian events. Borg earned a Team Silver Medal in Dressage during the 1948 games in London, and was a member of the last U.S. Equestrian Team composed of U.S. Army personnel.
(Photo courtesy of The Cavalry Journal)

Major Mayo S. Stuntz shortly after the end of the war. Stuntz was instrumental in establishing the first ASTC, and served as the unit's Supply Officer until he went to work for Special Intelligence, Sixth Army, in early 1945, where he supplied Alamo Scout teams in the field.
(Courtesy of Mayo Stuntz)

Alamo Scout team leader, Chester Vickery. Vickery took over SUMNER Team in late May 1945, and retired from the military as a full colonel.
(Photo courtesy of Chester Vickery, Jr.)

Fighter Ace Lt. P.J. Dahl of the 475th Fighter Group poses for a photo in his P-38 while in the SWPA. Dahl bailed out over Ormoc Bay, Leyte, on 10 Nov 1944, following a mid-air collision with an enemy fighter. After three weeks with the Filipino guerillas, he was met by SUMNER TEAM at Puerto Bello and was returned to friendly lines.
(Courtesy of 475th FG)

Dahl pictured with "Ormoc," his pet monkey. It was presented to him by a Filipino guerilla and remained with him for the rest of the war. As evidenced by the photograph, Dahl weighed less than 100 pounds when contacted by the Alamo Scouts.
(Courtesy of 475th FG)
Former Alamo Scout Jay Russell is interviewed by C-SPAN Television in Kingwood, Texas, where he was recognized for his war service by Congressman Ted Poe.
(Courtesy of Kingwood Chamber of Commerce)

The two men of the Royal Australian Air Force 30 Squadron Beaufighters who strafed the beach at Pegun Island and in so doing could well have saved the lives of the Alamo Scout (Sumner) Team withdrawing from there. The airmen are (left to right) Flight Sergeant Fred Cassidy, navigator of the aircraft, and the pilot Flight Sergeant Mostyn ("Mos") Morgan.
(Photo Courtesy of Fred Cassidy)

Alamo Scout SGT Lawrence E. Coleman. Gratuate of the 3rd ASTC and assigned to the Sumner Team.
(Photo Courtesy of Ruth Coleman Halajian )
