The PT Tender "Oyster Bay." Several Alamo Scout teams stayed aboard the Oyster Bay in September/October 1944, leading up to and including the landings on Leyte.
(U.S. Navy Photo)
Another view of the Oyster Bay taken during the landings on Leyte. October 1944.
(U.S. Navy Photo)
The SS Nautilus (SS-168) was commissioned in 1930 and was the namesake of the world's first nuclear powered submarine commissioned in 1952. The Nautilus, because of its size, often delivered large shipments of troops and supplies throughout the SWPA. The ship refueled and re-supplied the PT boats that Sumner Team traveled upon to Mindanao to supply Fertig's Guerrillas in late summer, 1944. Also, it was aboard the Nautilus that Henry "Snake" Baker (later an instructor with the Alamo Scouts) was landed on the Japanese-occupied island of Luzon in mid-1943, where he organized guerrilla efforts and conducted sabotage against the enemy for the AIB. (US Navy Photo)
Admiral Kinkaid and General MacArthur aboard the USS Phoenix during the invasion of the Admiralty Islands by Sixth Army forces. Based largely on a reconnaissance and report by McGowen Team (24 hours earlier) that Los Negros was "lousy with Japs", MacArthur changed the reconnaissance into a full-scale invasion and won a stunning victory securing Momote airfield and Hyanne harbor. 29 February 1944. (National Archives)
Sixth Army soldiers board a special train from Wakayama to Kyoto, Japan. DERR Team escorted General Krueger aboard the train and performed the last operational Alamo Scout mission. 14-25 SEP 1945. (U.S. Army Photo)
The Krueger train. (U.S. Army Photo)
Wakayama, Japan. It was here on 25 September 1945, following the Japanese surrender, that Sixth Army units, along with ADKINS, GRIMES, and DERR Teams conducted beach reconnaissance and performed other disarmament duties. (Photo courtesy of the 33rd Infantry Division Assn.)
Major Robert Borg on “Bill Biddle” in Mexico for the 1955 Pan Am Games. Borg won an individual Silver Medal. (Photo courtesy of Dressage Magazine, Feb. 1973)

CPL Dennis J. Holland, graduate of the 2nd ASTC class.
(Photo courtesy of Dennis M. Holland)

Alfonso and Mrs. SyCip.
(Courtesy of Priscilla "Lily" SyCip-Bogner)

The Sycips and 37 other family members were rescued from Japanese occupied Fuga Island in late July 1945. Photo taken in 1941.
(Courtesy of Priscilla "Lily" SyCip-Bogner)

The crew of PT-379 pose for a photo, circa 1945. The boat and crew supported several Alamo Scout missions on and around Luzon late in the war.
(Courtesy of Bill Rankin)

Crew of PT-379 observe Alamo Scouts ferrying evacuees to the boat.
(Courtesy of Bill Rankin)

Major General Hugh Casey, the Chief of Engineers for the SWPA and one of the chief designers of the Pentagon, was among the several flag officers to visit the first Alamo Scouts Training Center on Fergusson Island, New Guinea. General Krueger was proud of the ASTC and frequently invited high ranking military officers of all branches to observe Alamo Scouts in training. (U.S. Army Photo)
Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands. Situated between Manus and Los Negros, Seeadler Harbor was one of the finest deep water anchorages in the SWPA and was vital to the isolation of Rabaul and the conquest of New Guinea. In late February 1944, McGOWEN Team performed the first operational Alamo Scout mission on Los Negros. Their information contributed to an Allied victory there and help pave the way for a return to the Philippines. (U.S. Navy Photo)

An eight-man squad from B Troop, 5th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division, storms ashore on Los Negros Island in the Admiralties as part of the reconnaissance-in-force on 29 February 1944. In the middle on point is Emelio Fatalo. On his right (holding Tommy Gun) is Jerry Collins, and to his right is Bernard Arner. Fatalo was later killed in action on Luzon. Although General Douglas MacArthur awarded the Silver Star to a sergeant from the division for being the first man on the island, Alamo Scout Paul Gomez of McGOWEN Team was there 48 hours earlier. (U.S. Army Photo)

President Harry Truman congratulates Borg after a competition. Circa 1948. (Photo courtesy of COL Charles Anderson)
