Photo of 1st Platoon, B Troop, 5th Cavalry, and a few members of B Troop Gun Platoon five days after the landing on Leyte in late October 1944. To the far right is Alamo Scout Stuart T. Seeglitz, a graduate of the 2nd Training Class, and SGT Peter Macfarlane. Six months later MacFarlane was accepted into the 7th Alamo Scouts Training Class and graduated on 1 June 1945.

(Photo by Charles V. Trent - Courtesy of Pete MacFarlane)


PFC Ralph H. Tuckness. Graduate of the 4th class.

(Photo courtesy of Terry Tuckness)


(L-R): Alamo Scouts Harold Hard, Frank Fox, and Ralph Tuckness, along with Leo Christman (far right) and Bernard Magee (front) of the 33rd Infantry Division. Somewhere in New Guinea. Summer 1944.

(Photo courtesy of Terry Tuckness)


Front row (L-R): Bernard Magee, Artie Moskowicz, Frank Fox.
Back row (L-R): Jerry Parker, Ralph Tuckness, Leo Christman, and Jack Safro. John E. Gass is at the far right behind the group. Fox, Tuckness, and Gass were graduates of the 4th Training Class at Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea. New Guinea, 1944.

(Photo courtesy of Terry Tuckness)


Back Row (L-R): Rowe, Clifford Rich, Karl Sitterly, Leo Christman, Harold Hard, Ralph Tuckness. Middle Row: Artie Moskowicz, Ken Harnick, Oscar Oie, John E. Gass, Henry Lenicki, Frank Fox. Front Row: Unreadable. 1944.

(Photo courtesy of Terry Tuckness)


Shown in an AP Photo on New Britain Island in 1944, MG Julian W. Cunningham led the 112th Cavalry Regiment, the last horse cavalry unit in the United States Army, to the SWPA in 1943 and supplied officers and men to the ASTC. Cunningham personally sent Alamo Scout Mayo S. Stuntz to OCS in early 1942. After graduating from the 3rd OCS Class at Fort Riley, KS, on 28 March 1942, Stuntz was assigned to the 7th Reconnaissance Squadron at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA.

(Photo courtesy of Mayo Stuntz)


COL William W. Culp was Commanding Officer of the 7th Recon Squadron of the 1st Cavalry Division which the parent unit of Alamo Scouts Lewis Hochstrasser, Woodrow Hobbs, Mayo Stuntz, John Dove, Paul Adams, Richard Andrews, Arnold Bethell, Harvey Hines, Guy Rondell, Derek Harris (John Derek), Richard Ellis, and others.

(Photo courtesy of Mayo Stuntz)


ASTC 3rd class graduate, George B. Hansel.

(Photo courtesy of Gemma Schade)


General Walter Krueger (right) and Aide-de-Camp, Major John H. Crichton, at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. Krueger picked up Crichton en route to Washington to pay respects to President Harry Truman. Spring 1946.

(Photo courtesy of John Crichton)


General Krueger reviews a Sixth Army division on parade. Background left to right: General Ben Deckerd (Krueger’s Chief of Staff), unknown, and Crichton. 1945.

(Courtesy of John Crichton)


Krueger (in jeep) visits a front line regiment in combat on Luzon, 1945. Crichton (far left) looks on.

(Courtesy of John Crichton)


Alfred Alfonso


Alfred Alfonso


Alfred Alfonso


TT/5 Alfred L. Jacobs taken 24 Aug 1946, 5th St, Yokohama, Japan

(Photo courtesy of Alfred L. Jacobs)


TT/5 Alfred L. Jacobs taken 24 Aug 1946, 5th St, Yokohama, Japan

(Photo courtesy of Alfred L. Jacobs)


Sergeant Major Irving D. Wait shown with "Kitty" at the Imjin Orphanage in South Korea in 1964. Wait was a graduate of the 7th Alamo Scout training class.

(Pacific Stars and Stripes photo)


President Harry Truman presents symbolic keys to the President's Room at Union Station in Washington, D.C., to Sergeant Irving Wait (left) and WAVE Seaman Shirley Burns. August 1951.

(AP Wirephoto)


The PT boat tender USS Wasatch. It was aboard this ship that General Krueger maintained command of the 6th Army during the invasion of Leyte. After a foothold was established on Leyte, Krueger's command was moved ashore. A number of Alamo Scout teams were aboard during this time.  20 October 1944.

(U.S. Navy Photo)


The PT boat tender USS Mobjack. Alamo Scout teams were supported by the Mobjack during operations in New Guinea and on Leyte.  Lutz team was aboard the Mobjack in mid-September 1944 at Amsterdam Island waiting to go in on Morotai, but the Scout operation was cancelled in lieu of a mission to Salebaboe Island.

(U.S. Navy Photo)
