McGowen Team after the Los Negros mission of 27-28 Feb 1944.

1LT John R. C. McGowen (middle back row), SSG Leonard J. Scott (to McGowen's right)

Paul A. Gomez, John P. Lagoud, Walter A. McDonald, Caesar Ramirez, John A. Roberts (we are not sure of the identification of these men)


4th class graduation honor guard.


Guard Booth, Finschafen Area, New Guinea

(Photo courtesy of Les Cowel)


3rd Class graduation, 22 June 1944, Finschafen Area, New Guinea

(Photo courtesy of Les Cowel)


LTG Walter Krueger and MG Innis Swift inspect Los Negros Island after the U.S. landing there in Feb/Mar 1944. McGOWEN TEAM performed the first operational Alamo Scout mission there on 27 Feb 44, providing reconnaissance information leading to the successful landing. March 1944.

(Army Photo)


Soldiers from the 41st Infantry Division patrol Biak Island after landing there on 27 May 1944. THOMPSON and REYNOLDS Teams landed with the division and performed reconnaissance of the island. May 1944.

(Army Photo)


Biak PT Base. Several Alamo Scout teams operated from here in the summer of 1944.

(Army Photo)


U.S. Forces land at Hollandia. April 1944. Alamo Scout teams conducted eight missions in support of the landing.

(Coast Guard Photo)


A fortified beach on southern Kyushu, Japan where teams of Alamo Scouts would have landed and attempted pre-invasion reconnaissance. Note the beach obstacles, defensive positions and open shore that teams would have had to negotiate. 1945.

(Courtesy of 25th Photo Rcn Sqdrn)


Another potential landing site on Kyushu. Note the steep terraced cliffs. 1945.

(Courtesy of 25th Photo Rcn Sqdrn)


Southern Kyushu Island, Japan. 1945. The proposed landing on Kyushu (Operation Olympic) was planned for November 1, 1945, but fortunately, the Japanese surrendered on September 2, 1945. Alamo Scout candidates in Classes 7-9, trained for the potential landing.

(Courtesy of 25th Rcn Sqdrn)


Sabas A. Asis, 4th class graduate, assigned to Nellist Team.

(Photo courtesy of Asis family)


1LT. Lowell P. Eddy. Administrative officer (Staff) at the ASTC.

(Photo courtesy of L. Stacy Eddy)


1LT. Lowell P. Eddy at the ASTC.

(Photo courtesy of L. Stacy Eddy)


1LT. John C. S. Hall. ASTC graduate of the 2nd class.

(Photo courtesy of Rita (Hall) Clements)


PVT. Richard L. Jandt. ASTC graduate of the 4th class.

(Photo courtesy of James Jandt)


William C. Gerstenburger Jr. Graduate of the 2nd class, served on the Reynolds Team.

(Photo courtesy of Marty Gerstenberger)


Robert L. Buschur, ASTC graduate of the 3nd class.

(Photo courtesy of Buschur Family)


Robert L. Buschur (Right side)

(Photo courtesy of Buschur Family)


Ileto Team photo taken at Abuyog, Leyte before a mission to the southern coast of Samar Island. November 1944. Standing (L-R): Fred Balambao, Rafael "Rocky" Ileto, James Farrow and Paul Draper. Kneeling (L-R): Juan Pacis, Estanislao Bacat, and Pete Vischansky.

(Courtesy of Ileto Family)
